
Care-Culture as the enabler for result-orientation

Read about our extraordinary care culture in Halynas story.

"It is only because we care for people that we are able to produce the results we do."

Just as I strive to balance my personal life and my work responsibilities, it is my job as a team leader to enable the same balance for the people in my care. Thus, I have made it my priority to listen and to understand their personal situation just as much as their professional skills.

I am proud to say that this has contributed to creating a feeling of mutual trust, where my teammates feel safe to come to me and talk about their needs, knowing that I will respect them in the best possible when building work schedules or prioritizing.

And in turn, the results speak for themselves: From meeting production goals despite insecurity, to working from shelters and keeping the spirit high and overcoming production challenges though teamwork and collaboration.

Obviously, managing people and keeping work up in a war situation is not comparable with normal crises. However, I am convinced that our culture of caring for each other, which has united us since long before 2022, is the main reason why we’re able to navigate the circumstances as successfully as we do today.